Chi siamo

Pedalare con AOSTA VALLEY FREERIDE significa pedalare con i LOCALI.

Conosciamo queste montagne e i loro sentieri. Il GPS non è necessario. Le nostre guide risponderanno a tutte le vostre domande sul territorio, sulla cultura e vi consiglieranno volentieri dove trovare la migliore pizza o il miglior gelato della città.

Ci sforziamo di creare una cultura del calore e dell'autenticità nelle Alpi, dove la frenesia della vita viene lasciata alle spalle e i legami umani diventano una priorità. Non solo sono bravi nel loro lavoro, ma sono semplicemente bravi nella vita.

È una questione di orgoglio offrirvi più di un semplice viaggio, ma il viaggio della vostra vita!

Venite qui e lasciate a noi il resto!

Il team

Aostavalleyfreeride Massimo Ferro
Massimo Ferro
Bio Aosta Valley Freeride’s story started in 2008. The idea was to ride together with our friends, sharing adventures and making new friends on the way. Each year we progressed a little, and in 2016 I decided to dedicate myself to it. Without any certainty, but with a vision. That vision was for something that didn’t exist yet, but I hoped that one day it would. What started as a vision I had myself is now shared by the whole AVF team, without whom, it wouldn’t be possible!
Fabrizio Charruaz - Aosta Valley Freeride
Fabrizio Charruaz
Co-Owner - Head Guide
Hi everybody! I'm Fabrizio. Born and raised in Aosta Valley, I have been an avid biker since I was a child, and a mountain bike guide since 1997. I have explored and ridden most of the paths of this region, and published a book on mountain bike trails in Aosta Valley. Being a sports and nature addict, I love riding the single tracks of this amazing place and I can't wait to share my passion with you!
Tom Durham aostavalleyfreeride
Tom Durham
Co-Owner - Guide - Trail Care Responsible
Hi! I’m Tom - a Scot who has been lucky enough to have lived in the Valle d’Aosta on and off since the year 2000. I’ve been a MTB guide all over Europe but find the endless trails, peaks and cols of the Valley the most inspiring place to be. The combination of amazing trails, the weather, and of course the food makes it the best place to live and ride for me - I can’t wait to show you around!
Christian Cesa Aostavalleyfreeride
Christian Cesa
Co-Owner - Guide
I am a UIAGM licensed Mountain Guide, an instructor of the Mountain Guides and the Mountain Rescuers with more than 20 years of experience in guiding clients all over the world. Cycling is my other passion, between competing in races when I was younger and being a Bike Guide as I am now. I ride my bikes as much as I can from MTB to road, from gravel to E-bike. The Aosta Valley is my preferred playground, but I never forget to bring my bike with me when I travel!
Lorenzo Suding
Instructor - Guide
Mtb shaped my life and brought me to Aosta Valley, becoming my profession first as a racer, then as a coach and guide. Now I dedicate my summers to coaching and showing people around on bikes throughout this incredible alpine playground! Let’s ride!
Bkake Robinson
Driver - Guide
Aostavalleyfreeride Chamonix
Camilla De Pieri
Instructor - Guide
Hi everyone! I'm Camilla, I'm from Aosta where i was born and raised. I have been skiing and cycling since i was 5 years old, but the bike will always be my first love. My passion for outdoor sports led me to be first an athlete in various disciplines, then a MTB instructor and now a MTB guide. I like to spend my days riding my bike all year round, in summer time and on the snow too, on the fantastic trails of my valley and share this experience with friends, so.... I'm waiting for you!
Federico Stevanon
Instructor - Guide
Hello everyone. I'm Federico but everyone calls me Chicco. I was born and raised in the Aosta Valley, a really great place. I love nature and all the sports you can do in the mountains, but biking is definitely my favorite. I am a MTB instructor and guide. I look forward to taking you on our trails immersed in the wonders!
Pierre Lucianaz Aostavalleyfreeride
Pierre Lucianaz
I'm Pierre, I was born and grew up here in the Aosta Valley. I'm a photographer, a ski instructor, and an MTB guide. During the winter I'm always on my skis, doing ski touring, freeriding or simply working. But when the snow melts, I spend most time cycling - both on trails in my playground or maybe on a bike packing adventure discovering new lands. So yes, I love to be outdoors!
Aostavalleyfreeride Chamonix
Emanuele Tomassoni
Felix Wolski
Aostavalleyfreeride Chamonix
Anna Calisse
Customer Support

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Dove siamo

C.so Lancieri 20
11100 Aosta – Italy
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Aosta Valley Freeride Srl
VAT: 01230790071
REA: AO/78127
IT +39 375 657 5847
US +1 (619) 446 7896
© 2024 Aosta Valley Freeride made by Wicked Studios - Tutti i diritti riservati.
